the Questions...... |
Thursday, April 06, 2006 |
Q: what's the last text message on your cell phone say? A: from my dad “Papa tunggu LUAR kolej..CEPAT!!!”
Q: whose bed did you sleep in last night? A: mine
Q: what color shirt are you wearing? A:baby blue
Q: most recent movie that you watched? A: Persona Non Grata
Q: name one thing that you do everyday? A:study (blah laaa)
Q: what's the color of your bedroom walls? A: cream..i think....
Q: how much cash do you have on you right now ? A: 10 bucks
Q: What is your favorite part of the chicken? A:drumstick
Q: What's your favorite sport to watch? A: Soccer
Q: I can't wait til...? A: the nite to come???
Q: When was the last time you saw your mom? A: a few minute ago...
Q: Who got you to join Friendster? A: My sis
Q: What did you have for dinner last night? A: nasi goreng wit air sejuk..sedap Woooo! :D
Q: Is Tom on your friends list? A: No...he don't want to add me...
Q: Look to your left. What's there? A: TV, standing fan n modem
Q: Whats the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone? A: A shirt from my sis.
Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? A: Friendster, Yahoo!, JU, Blogger.com
Q: Do you have an air freshener in your car? A: nope...cus i dun have one..
Q: Do you have plants in your room? A:No....izit toilet counts?
Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now? A: yeah...my arm....
Q: What city was your last taxicab ride in? A: Seri Kembangan
Q: Do you own a camera phone? A: Na’ah
Q: Recent time you were really upset? A: A few hours ago...when i was the lucky number one to present my topic in front of my frenz.
Q: Would you have a problem if your friend went after your ex boyfriend/girlfriend? A:yeah!!! sure...what kind of question is that??
_______Last________ 1. Person you saw: my sis..she's on her way to her room...
2. Talk on the phone with: my `fren'
3. Hugged: my pillow..telling it that how much i miss my DAYANG... pity me!~
_______Today________ 1. What are you doing now: Answering this questionaire..
2. What are you doing tonight: Searching for OCD....finish all my pending work here..YMing
3. What did you eat for lunch: didn't took my lunch.......yummy!!
________Tomorrow___________ 1. Is: a day where my lecturer wanna makes my blood go upstairs...HAHHA
2. Got any plans: watch movies or something..main boling pun besh gak.....
3. Goal: Finish my study....have a nice job..make my parent proud..pay what ever they LOAN for/to me...have a nice car n home for both of them....having my Masters as soon as possible ..get married!
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: got to wake up early in the morning :P
5. Do you have work: Currently..nooo....
2. listening to: Akma- Percaya Pada Cinta..
3. wearing jeans: today.
4. eating: Hacks
6. whats on your mind? NGANTUK GILER! |
hasil muntahan pikiran maxx @ 11:07 PM  |
kak lia.. heheh reen pun letak kt blog reen.. heheh :D
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kak lia.. heheh reen pun letak kt blog reen.. heheh :D