Hi peepz...
as i promised u guyz b4....ari ni nk citer sket apa jd waktu b4, within and after the party...
sy bertolak dr rumah pukul 3.45..dimana janji utk berjumpa ngan para AFC adalah pd pukul 4pm....mmg tak sampai waktu itu..but..as long as i'm there..OK aper....
lepas membuat perbincangan ngan pihak berkuasa..serta partner-in-crime...akhirnya kami mendapat persetujuan yg tiada pertumpahan darah serta air mata..wakaka.....pertemuan ngan para AFCers n Jiwangans mmg mengusik jiwa sebab rasa2 dh lama kitorg tak jumpa....
To cut long story short....majlis di teruskan ngan kata2 aluan...NEway, kitorg dh banyak lari dr estimate time sbb minah tu lewat sampai...DIMAAFkan....haha....lagipun jejaka pojaan *tuuut* *tuuut* kan ader...hahahha....So sebagai MC...sy try ler buat yg TERbaik...tapi.....BAIK ker...YOU GUYZ decide yaaa.....
Ni antara pix2 yg ada....
Dentist worst nightmare.....pearly-white Teeth!!
Card at the registration....
Besday gurl.....
pix been given by the photographer...maybe this would be the Album's cover??? Who knows.....
Last pix b4 all of us BLAH.....
setelah majlis berakhir..ader sesi foto dgn pihak yg telah di appoint oleh AFC....kinda cool.....erm...for sum of us...(by the way..it's me actually), pi melalak kat dlm room...sebab boring tahap gaban....namun nyanyianku itu tak mendapat tepukan hangat...sebab tak sedap..maybe katak2 kat luar lebih memahami....
Akma di kelilingi oleh kumbang2 (except for 6 guyz yg oredi been taken) yang lain tu masih ader peluang....
Not so last pix of us....what wrong wit her give the flying kiss where i'm looking at her
strangely?!?!sampai di rumah....semua dah tido....So i took the oppurtunity..to online 4 a while....namun...sumthing really trigger me....for those who knew it...simpan2 je la...for those who dont...erm...dun ask....but it really making me annoying...to who?!?! you know who you are...i dun want to "reveal" you....how kind am I.... On Sunday..my day start perfectly until my papa start barking...dunno why...but all of us (my mom n my siblings) amik keputusan utk tak buat papa marah lagi...dah cukup bagus laa dier tak bingit lagi...kang ader plak ke PANG...baru tau.... semalam...janji nk jumpa ngan Nurul...namun tak jadi due to ketidak-siapan barang yg di minta....so i planned to meet her later.....so me wit my lovely pet-sis pi buat rondaan di sekitar Seri Kembangan.....nak jadi cerita..kitorg terjumpa ngan sorg mamat ni...so i nk jadi match maker utk dier....god knows how loud she scream at me....hahhaha that's the end.......thanx 4 ur time.... -out-
-maxx- |