you called me NUMB-NUT?!?!?! ....... |
Sunday, June 22, 2008 |
tadi waktu on my way nk pi jumpa kawan..dgr laa rick dees kt Hitz.fm....die ckp psl most downloaded video from youtube...mmg kelakar.....tgk laaa bwh ni...
-out- -Adios Amigos-
hasil muntahan pikiran maxx @ 11:37 PM |
Which part of SORRY you dont understand??? |
Saturday, June 21, 2008 |
hi...ni edisi lepas geram ni.....bukan ape...bila kita ckp bende sebna...dia dok ulang cite/benda yg same...klu sekali ulang xpe laa....dok ulang bagai Tape rosak....
bende kecik..tapi diambil serius plak...smpi tahap hangin2...tapi lom smpi fasa buang angin lagi.....
kasian ngan kwn ku yg xsalah pun....kt sy pun kasian gak..tapi dlm hal ni...dia jd mangsa keadaan....disebabkan x antar satu info...smpi nk bermarah2 plak...
klu anda dipilih utk menerima sesorg yg dekat ngan diri kita with seseorg yg takde kaitan darah (skadar saudara seislam), mana anda pilih....klu sy, wlpun hati berat, still pilih sesorg yg dekat sbb later mereka laa yg akan mencari kita atau sebaliknya....
bukan nk memburukkan sesiapa..cuma harap org2 yg berkenaan dgn citer ni amik laaa iktibar....kita ni bukan makin muda....setiap habis satu hari kita kt dunia....makin dekat kita pd panggilan-Nya....
renung2kan dan selamat beramal!!!!
-out- -Adios Amigos-
hasil muntahan pikiran maxx @ 7:45 PM |
biler mood aku tarak.......(nyanyi rentak "bila aku sudah tiada") |
Friday, June 20, 2008 |
How sad n devastated hariku bile pagi2, bukak channel 817, keputusan yg AMAT menyedihkan ditayang di kaca TV...I bet most of THEM pun akan merasa keperitannya....so, sy mengubati hati ni dengan menonton National Treasure 1 n NT:Book of Secrets...tapi still hati sakit gak....
Last Saturday, ade laa skit majlis makan2 antara me n my frenz kat Alamanda Putrajaya....Kak Aishah n family pun sudi hadir utk ke majlis tersebut.....ada gambar2, namun atas sebab2 yg xleh dielakkan, gambar itu xleh di letak disini.....
So on our way back (i was driving wit my bro), dapat laa SMS dr KS psl shooting filem Hoopers....i planned wit my bro...and i ord ask my sis utk ikut but unfortunately, die ade PLAN BESAR ngan kawan2 die....xdpt die ikut(adakah aku sonok atau sedey??????!!!!). Smlm gak dpt berita plg best dan ia akan menyebabkan aku utk bercuti lebih lama lg....waaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu best gilak aaaahhh!
Bro pun dh makin gelap sbb asik pi camping memanjang...xpe..next year mesti papa & mama "kunci" kaki die..kih3...Nubs pun skang dh pandai nk mengelak..hangin tul...ni pun ade sumthing die buat kt baju sumbody..matilaaa kene maki hamun malam ni........
dgn politik yg berlaku skang ni...erm....kita xleh nk jangka apa akan jd utk next election...maunye yg penimbang akan rebah dek kerana arus biru muda?? we never know..ape2 yg terjadi..bawa ler negara ke tahap lebih baik.....Amin...mmg betul kata2 dlm surat khabar beberapa hari lps, "hampir 90% kandungan berita di TV adalah berkaitan politik"...tiada penafian disitu....
3minggu lepas, ada laa beli sumthing utk SOMEONE...tapi smpi laa ni xtau bile nk pass kt die....ntah laaaa...bile laa nk jumpe......
-out- -Adios Amigos-
hasil muntahan pikiran maxx @ 12:04 PM |
Shhheeeeessshhhh...i've been TAGGED! |
Wednesday, June 11, 2008 |
I've been tagged by Azahar Abdullah (Real Me). The Rules : 1. Each blogger must post these rules first. 2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. 4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged, and to read your blog.
thanx to JaA cuz TAGGED me...hehehhe.. 8 habits of me; I like fast car but i dun like to drive fast...i've learn my lesson...in HARD way.... I love to sing while driving, full with expression...org keta seblah sure gerun...hahhahaha Forgive but not Forget Most of my nite is on the net.... Love to watch soccer but cant wait till the kick off (esp. Telecast that NOT in my "daylight zone") Terrorising bro's PS2 is my SPECIAL POWER..matilaa kene hempuk... Always having S.T.M.L even for small thing like misplacing car keys..
the last but not least... people that i wud like to tag are: - Reen
- Kak SweetMM
- CikComel
- Sue
- Ms Silvennia
- kak Lucky Star
- Tira
- Vern...ni mmg last resort..
-out- -Adios Amigos-
hasil muntahan pikiran maxx @ 10:54 PM |
Sapa tak sakit hati....................... |
Monday, June 09, 2008 |
Sape tak sakit hati bile: - orang yg kite minat tgh on9 tapi masa tu kite plak xleh on9...thx 2 my bro.... klu nk ckp bape byk alatan menyambung internet...mmg le byk dlm umah ni....tapi cuma satu je berfungsi.....yg len..."sakit" kene masuk "klinik"...
- Anak kesayangan buat "hal" atas katil...isk3...hangin lagi...tapi sabo je laa..sbb ni salah kite sendiri.....
- Orang nk bg pendapat..tapi dier balas dengan kurang ajar.....sialan tul org tu....
- yg ni paling sakit hati.....bila seorg doktor memberi jawapan paling tolol penah didengari...die ingat kite bg gaji buta ke ape kat die....klu org dtg klinik dier, bersyukur laaa...org2 lain sume suruh sy n family pi ke klinik lain yg lebih baik....tapi still kitorg stick kt klinik tu...sy dh jaja cite ni kt seluruh ahli kuarga...dan klu ditakdirkan sy kene gak jumpe ngan doktor yg dpt doktor lepas 5tahun susah payah, tapi xleh bezakan org sakit ngan org yg tak sakit...sy telah plan seuatu yg "hangit" utk die....just beware.....
dan ini saja posting utk mlm ni...Nub n me nk masuk tido... Askum...
-out- -Adios Amigos-
-maxx- |
hasil muntahan pikiran maxx @ 11:43 PM |
what a week... |
Tuesday, June 03, 2008 |
hi....hari ni br dpt jumpa blk ngan internet...since Monday morning xdpt penangan PC....erm...just nk kongsi cite....After class, me n bro pi ke Bandar Utama sbb our Aunt minta tolong tgkkan printer dia yg problemo...erm...tapi xsempat nk check ape2..my aunt ajak kitorg pi tgk wayang...buat kali kedua, sy tgk Apa Kata Hati?...kami terlewat hampir 15 pertama cite tu, thanx to the parking kt OU yg mcm siot....hangin tol.....BTW, bukan sy n aunt je...her sons n daughter wit my other aunt's family...kira2 13 org masuk panggung...gile xbising...pestu ade plak bebudak yg main2, dlm panggung...lagi aaa xleh nk focus.....NEway, after cite tu abis, my aunts pi lepak2, meninggalkan the big gals n guys utk berjimba....hahaha...jd, i ask them 2 search sumthing for me...and they did...I trust their taste..mana taknye, diorg very particular wit style..so diorg tau mana yg sesuai utk dibeli...erm...pujian utk mereka....
one of cousin nk jd coffee master....eventhough i adore dgn dia..but sumtimes i felt irritated klu selalu sangat bende yg sama di ulang....maybe they also dun like if i always talk about AF...i think....hahha...blimey....so..moving on...we stayed at my aunt's place for one nite and planned 2 b back by 2nite....so this morning, teruskan dgn kerja2 membetulkan printer...bila sy rasa dh ok..problem satu lagi plak muncul, ink kuning plak abis...pelik gak..sbb diorg xpenah paki...camne leh abis kan?? so...sy consider bende tu dh selesai...sy pun ajak laa the gals utk tgk wayang...din plan 2 ask the boys 2 join cuz they do bring headache..n i personally cant take anymore "sini.....Sannnaaaa...situuuu...."After discussing for a few minutes, we decided 2 watch Narnia....the movie's quite Ok..but I cant focus as i din watch the first movie...blimey...Note to self: dun go to OU when it's school holidays...nanti kantoi....hahahha...
erm...nk kongsi beberapa gambar yg di ambil oleh lensa camera ku...
My freshies...just enrol last week...
Hitz.fm Ford Ranger came...
KFC dude came 2 my college...YAAHOOOO!!
Ashraff Muslim
Tabung Bersamamu TV3
My bro n sis with the Gals n Guyz
-out- -Adios Amigos-
-maxx- (ps: gambar baru.........hehehe) |
hasil muntahan pikiran maxx @ 10:37 PM |