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Reunion Tecsha 2001-2002 (20052006)
Monday, April 24, 2006

erm....seperti di janjikan....gath Tecsha akan di adakan;

----->Midvalley Megamall (meeting point - Cosmic Bowl, 3rd Floor)

----->jam 11 pagi onwards

---->acara yg akan di adakan:

-bowling tournament antara kelas

-majlis makan2

-majlis menukar nombor tepon sesama sendiri

-sesi mengambil gambar

-dan acara2 yg akan di pikirkan kelak...

Tema: Bebas....korang nk pakai aper2 pun boleh...klu sampai tahap menjolok anak tekak dan biji mata tu...aku tak leh komen...terpulang...semua org ader ke****an sendiri kan.....( tak leh taip...nnt org igt double meaning)

Semua di jemput hadir asal kan anda...

-pelajar Tecsha SPM 2002

- mempunyai hubungan ngan mana2 pelajar tecsha sesi berkenaan ( ini lebih pada hubungan kuarga dan gifren/boifren serta kawan)

semua teman2 di minta menghulurkan RM25 utk kita sama2 membeli hadiah utk para pemain serta sedikit bingkisan buat anda semua. ( updated on 01-05-2006) Bayaran boleh dibuat pd hari tersebut....sila serahkan kepada aku atau pd SHARIFAH NUR KHADIJAH @ EKA....

Segala persoalan boleh di ajukan pada:

Iylia Zulkapli - 012 6050179 (sentiasa on...)

Eka - 013 3551585

Aku akan tebus kekalahan dulu...hei gadis berjeans biru...jom kita rematch....hahahhaha.....huhuhhuhuhu.......hihhihihihiihihih......aku akan mintak tolong kat mamat ni utk kalah kan ko...hahahahaaa


hasil muntahan pikiran maxx @ 9:31 AM   0 kata balas
List Of.....Girls of................2002..............
Saturday, April 22, 2006
(1st MAY 2006)
disebabkan aku xnak lagi promote muka korang...(jgn terasa OK....terpaksa) pd sesape yg nk join...sila hubungi aku pd talian yg tertera...

Sila antar msg anda sebelum atau pada 7 Mei 2006 ke:

(pd yg antar SMS...maaf..henfon sewel laaa)

hasil muntahan pikiran maxx @ 12:10 PM   0 kata balas
Disini aku bicara..
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Kisah benar....

Aku lihat ramai yang dh tersasar...

Di hadapan mata kusendiri...pelajar sekolah membeli carlsberg..

tak tau laa kalau dia tu non-muslin (sebab aku nampak muka dia mcm Melayu)

Kat depan aku jugak...kawan aku...mengeluarkan weednya, utk umpan aku
...namun...aku tolak dengan baik..dan cara bergurau...

aku cuma berada beberapa meter aja dari pasangan bercengkerama di hadapan Tasik Serdang..

takkan diorg tak tau...kan kat situ ader 3 org yg telah kojol??? maybe diorg tak luar....

bebudak skolah isap rokok?? perkara biasa......xnk amik kisah...

tapi...situasi yg plg mudarat antara semua............ remaja bahkan bapak budak...beratur menunggu giliran membeli nombor ekor di kedai....

dan bertambah parah....biler ader yg menjual apam balik kat sana.....di hadapan kedai....Ya ALLAH..mana aku nak letak muka ni?!?!?!

Tak pasal2...sumer bangsa pandang rendah (bukan racist OK)....aku rasa...mengapa jadi begini....lebih hampir 5 jam berfikir....aku dapat jawapannya...ini kerana...KITA TAK PERNAH CUKUP DENGAN APA YANG ADA...

pada sesiapa yg terlibat....pulang laa ke pangkal jalan....

hasil muntahan pikiran maxx @ 10:26 PM   0 kata balas
Suatu hari di Lane Bowling....
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Perjalananku bermula pabila jam menganjak ke angka 9.30pg…ketika itu, sy dah pun siap membasuh serta menyidai kain…sy kemudian bergegas ke stesen komuter dan mengambil tren ke kajang kerana sudah berjanji untuk menumpang Emy ke Flamingo Institute…mmg penah lalu..tapi tak tau jalan ke sana.

lantai di stesen Kajang

Emy sampai ke stesen komuter jam 11.15pg..kemudian sy memberitahu Emy bahwa KC menyuruh kami makan dahulu..memandangkan disana tiada tempat utk makan2….Jadi kami berdua singgah ke McDonald’s Drive thru di stesen petronas berdekatan.Sy juga dapat melihat kawasan perumahan Nadia Joe…Cuma lalu je laaa..hehehhe

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BTW….luper nk bgtau….ini adalah tournament Inter-FC gabungan. Team yg bersaing adalah m2m Frenz, JUAFC, Kaerul (sorry kalau salah), dan FADAM selaku penganjur. Selepas memparkir kereta, kami terus menuju ke Ampang Bowling yg berada di tingkat 3 bangunan Flamingo tersebut. Sampai di sana, baru lah kami tahu bahawasanya Tournament yg di rancang telah di postpone ke tarikh yg akan di beritahu kelak. Jadi team yg bermain Cuma m2m frenz dan JUAFC….

Kami buat adegan mcm biasa…..beramah mesra antara kami…hahahah…..kak na tunjuk VC baru dia…and also..dia pass pix dr emai to me and a VCD cutter….So..smbl2 dok lepak2 kat sana….Kak Sari tetiba panggil kitorg (Aku n Emy)..tny samada kitorg nk main boling atau tak….I told her… “Why not……” jadi kami pun pi laa tukar aper yg patut…..dalam masa game tu….Akma dok calling2 Kak Sari….tny tempat kat ner sumer….adoi….kecian kak sari…..nak main pun hilang konsentrasi….hahahha….

Jam 1.30 Akma smpi….ingat dtg ngan kak Sofiah je….ghopenye…..satu family datang….maybe diorg ingat ader tournament kut…'s OK….ala…bukan slalu kan…hehehhe….So..seperti biasa….sesi salam2 tu paling wajib laa…For me…org 1st aku nmpk adalah…….

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DANISH….Ya Allah…kiut giler jejaka kecil tu…besar nnt sure jadi rebutan…hahahhaa…Di kesempatan ini..kitorg jadi antara org2 pertama dpt tgk VCD Birthday Akma waktu di Marriot...Best laa jugak....nak tgk..TUNGGGGUUUUU.....

Akma pun terus ke Lane kami..memandangkan Akma mmg akan bermain ngan kitorg…So…Sy dgn otak jahat sy (ye laaahh..ingat konfem strike ke haper ke kan) ckp kat dier…. “Klu kau dapat strike 3x, aku blanja McD…” Dier kata SET……no problem…..”

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Himpunan gambar2 Akma main boling.....addooiiii....bikin sakkkiiittt ajjjerrr!!!

Akma bermain boling di ikuti strike....

sy dgn smangat wajanya lawan laa ngan dier….maybe mmg xde luck kut ari tu…dok ke longkang je….balingan Akma pun..aduhh…bikin hati aku x senang…last2…..dier strike 2 kali….xper laa…klu kerbau pegang pd tali..manusia pegang pada janji...…. Gue nggak kisah…..

Akma beransur pulang jam 2.30..ader tmpt lain dier kene pergi agaknyer….so kitorg yg masih tinggal ni pun abis kan game…..

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Pastu KC suggest kitorg pi makan kat restoren AF…Sy pun nk gak merasa….best sangat ke….so waktu tunggu makanan smpi…kitorg berbual ngan Kak Hizan dan Kak Suzi (klu betul….sorry klu salah…masih dlm proses kenal2)…dlm tu jugak..kitorg jumpa ngan group m2m….Sy teringin nk pi kat diorg…. Mintak kita semua duduk satu meja…..dpt kenal satu sama lain..hahahha…..dari food smpi ke layanan....klu di rate bagi 8..lagi dua tu utk part2 yg kurang best....

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bila jam menganjak ke angka 4...itu sign utk aku cepat balik.....takut nk balik lewat malam…nak mampus?? Kang kene grounded lagi, baru tau…so….nk tutup make long story tumpang Aqil utk pulang….dlm keta pun..ader laaa kitorg bual2 kan hal2 pasal Akma n JEJAKA tersebut (xnk sebut...sape tau....simpan dlm hati)….dlm LRT..ME n Kak na bertukar2 kamera...tgk pix2 yg kitorg tangkap...ala2 kiut gitu….

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Sampai umah tepat jam 7.10pm….Siri Dia kat Ria pun dh nk abis…sy tak follow citer tu…bukan psl aper…nnt addict..susah laaaa…hehhe….

Smpi kat sini je…..


hasil muntahan pikiran maxx @ 10:17 AM   0 kata balas
pix2 yg aku nk tunjuk....hehhehe
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Akma wit her rose.....

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Emai, Akma, and Aboi

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Akma bagi hadiah

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Akma nak jugak dukung baby...ish3x.....

hasil muntahan pikiran maxx @ 8:34 AM   1 kata balas
the Questions......
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Q: what's the last text message on your cell phone say?
A: from my dad “Papa tunggu LUAR kolej..CEPAT!!!”

Q: whose bed did you sleep in last night?
A: mine

Q: what color shirt are you wearing?
A:baby blue

Q: most recent movie that you watched?
A: Persona Non Grata

Q: name one thing that you do everyday?
A:study (blah laaa)

Q: what's the color of your bedroom walls?
A: cream..i think....

Q: how much cash do you have on you right now ?
A: 10 bucks

Q: What is your favorite part of the chicken?

Q: What's your favorite sport to watch?
A: Soccer

Q: I can't wait til...?
A: the nite to come???

Q: When was the last time you saw your mom?
A: a few minute ago...

Q: Who got you to join Friendster?
A: My sis

Q: What did you have for dinner last night?
A: nasi goreng wit air sejuk..sedap Woooo! :D

Q: Is Tom on your friends list?
A: No...he don't want to add me...

Q: Look to your left. What's there?
A: TV, standing fan n modem

Q: Whats the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone?
A: A shirt from my sis.

Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day?
A: Friendster, Yahoo!, JU,

Q: Do you have an air freshener in your car?
A: nope...cus i dun have one..

Q: Do you have plants in your room?
A:No....izit toilet counts?

Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now?
A: arm....

Q: What city was your last taxicab ride in?
A: Seri Kembangan

Q: Do you own a camera phone?
A: Na’ah

Q: Recent time you were really upset?
A: A few hours ago...when i was the lucky number one to present my topic in front of my frenz.

Q: Would you have a problem if your friend went after your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?
A:yeah!!! sure...what kind of question is that??

1. Person you saw:
my sis..she's on her way to her room...

2. Talk on the phone with:
my `fren'

3. Hugged:
my pillow..telling it that how much i miss my DAYANG... pity me!~

1. What are you doing now:
Answering this questionaire..

2. What are you doing tonight:
Searching for OCD....finish all my pending work here..YMing

3. What did you eat for lunch:
didn't took my lunch.......yummy!!

1. Is:
a day where my lecturer wanna makes my blood go upstairs...HAHHA

2. Got any plans:
watch movies or something..main boling pun besh gak.....

3. Goal:
Finish my study....have a nice job..make my parent what ever they LOAN for/to me...have a nice car n home for both of them....having my Masters as soon as possible ..get married!

4. Dislikes about tomorrow:
got to wake up early in the morning :P

5. Do you have work:


2. listening to:
Akma- Percaya Pada Cinta..

3. wearing jeans:

4. eating:

6. whats on your mind?
hasil muntahan pikiran maxx @ 11:07 PM   1 kata balas

Ader ke pihak kolej pi block YM....amppesshh tul........

tapi....xper2......ader ubi ader batas......ader hari akuu.....akuuu...eerrm....akkuu.......aku balas dendam...

-apsal lak nk balas dendam???-

hasil muntahan pikiran maxx @ 9:37 AM   0 kata balas

About Me

Name: maxx
Home: Ser-dunk, Selangor, Malaysia
About Me: I like to be with my family..hang out wit my frenz...and talk for hours at phone.....
See my complete profile

  • Harry Potter DVD collector's boxset
  • HSM DVD collector's boxset
  • Twilight Saga DVD collector's boxset
  • MacBook Air
  • Kia Picanto
  • Mr. Right
Movies that I planned to catch

  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2
  • Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part 1
  • Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part 2
  • Muallaf
  • Valentine's Day
  • Beastly
  • The Karate Kid
  • Toy Story 3
  • Me & Orson Welles
  • Footloose
  • Julie & Julia
  • Young Victoria
  • The Smurfs
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
  • National Treasure 3
  • underconstruction2010
  • underconstruction2010
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